WooCommerce Wishlist
All big eCommerce Stores offer a Wishlist feature for their shops and you can do to. With our WooCommerce Wishlist Plugin you can easily create, view, edit, share or search Wishlists. Logged in Customers can create own wishlists and share them. If Guest Mode is enabled users can also create lists without being logged in.
Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/woocommerce-wishlist/22003411
WooCP – Schedule, Reset Countdown Plugin WooCommerce
WooCP – Schedule, Reset Countdown Plugin WooCommerce is a fantastic plugin to promote your sale campaigns in WooCommerce. It shows a countdown box with the product on sale, to tell your customer how much time they have left to purchase your product with discount. You can also make it count the time till the up-coming sale period. Addition if you want to countdown display always, you can use Auto Reset Time.
Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/schedule-reset-countdown-plugin-woocommerce-woocp/25002276
WooEvents – Calendar and Event Booking
WooLentor Pro + Builder
WooLentor Pro – WooCommerce Elementor Addons
WooMail – WooCommerce Email Customizer
WooCommerce Email Customizer – WooMail is the best, most powerful and also most customizable tool to customize an email . With this tool, in visual mode you can build your desired email with drag & drop.10+ predefined amazing woocommerce email templates which match your store design, are ready which you can easily import and start your work with them.
Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/email-customizer-for-woocommerce-with-drag-drop-builder-woo-email-editor/22400984
WooPricely – Dynamic Pricing & Discounts
WooPricely is a multi-purpose pricing and discount toolkit for WooCommerce stores. The plugin allows you automate product pricing, simple discount pricing, bulk pricing, tiered pricing, buy x get x pricing, buy x get y pricing, group pricing, cart discounts and cart fees by defining rules and conditions. These features are grouped into four easy to use modules, the modules includes Product Pricing, Checkout Pricing, Checkout Discounts, and Checkout Fees.
Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/woopricely-dynamic-pricing-fees-discounts/23844181
WooSms-Send Woocommerce order notification on mobile with your Android phone
WOOSMSDLT-Woocommerce DLT compatible SMS gateway Plugin
The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India TRAI has made some important rulings for the commercial communication messages. As per directions of TRAI, have communicated to the Principal Entities (PE) several times to complete the following activities for sending bulk communication:
Operators are live with template scrubbing and messages that do not match templates already approved in DLT will be blocked by operators.
WOOTP-Woocommerce OTP Plugin
A one-time password (OTP), also known as a one-time PIN, one-time authorization code (OTAC) or dynamic password, is a password that is valid for only one login session or transaction, on a computer system or other digital device. OTPs avoid several shortcomings that are associated with traditional (static) password-based authentication; a number of implementations also incorporate two-factor authentication by ensuring that the one-time password requires access to something a person has (such as a small keyring fob device with the OTP calculator built into it, or a smartcard or specific cellphone) as well as something a person knows (such as a PIN).
WoowBot – Chat Bot for WooCommerce
WoowBot is a Plug n’ play WooCommerce Shopping ChatBot WordPress plugin that can help Increase your store Sales perceptibly. Shoppers can converse fluidly with the ChatBot – thanks to its Integration with Google’s Natural Language Processing (AI and NLP) through Dialogflow, Search and Add products to the cart directly from the chat interface and get Support.
Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/woowbot-woocommerce-chatbot/21426656