WP Ultimate Tours Builder
Easily create beautiful and useful virtual tours on your WordPress website by using this unique and awesome premium plugin! Its intuitive and powerful conditional system allows you to create intelligent tours in which each step is displayed according to the conditions defined (example : “if the current page is” ..., “if the button X was clicked”, “if the current date is superior to” , etc…) .
Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/wp-ultimate-tours-builder/24096901
WP Ultimo + Addons
WP Ultimo is the ultimate tool to create a premium network of websites – like WordPress.com – on your WordPress Multisite install. You can create unlimited plans, coupons codes and easily manage your network subscriptions.
Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/wp-ultimo-easily-create-a-premium-network-of-sites/19527147
WP-Lister Pro for Amazon
List products from WordPress on Amazon. You want to sell your products on Amazon and your website? You’ve come to the right place. WP-Lister for Amazon integrates your WooCommerce product catalog with your inventory on Amazon. You will save an enormous amount of time (and money) by not having to enter all your product details twice. But more importantly, WP-Lister Pro for Amazon will take care of keeping your inventory in sync by automatically reducing the stock quantity in WooCommerce when an item is sold on Amazon – and vice versa.
Demo: https://www.wplab.com/plugins/wp-lister-for-amazon/
WpAlter – White Label WordPress Plugin
Alter the White Label Wordpress plugin lets you customize most of the elements of Wordpress admin dashboard or panel. Alter completely change the style of the WordPress admin panel to your desired color theme and alter most the wordpress elements.
Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/white-label-wordpress-plugin-alter/17567303
WPBakery Page Builder (Visual Composer) Clipboard
WPBakery Page Builder for WordPress
Say hello to the most popular WordPress page builder plugin! WPBakery Page Builder is easy to use drag and drop page builder that will help you to create any layout you can imagine fast and easy. No coding skills required!
Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/visual-composer-page-builder-for-wordpress/242431
WPBakery Page Builder for WordPress
Say hello to the most popular WordPress page builder plugin! WPBakery Page Builder is easy to use drag and drop page builder that will help you to create any layout you can imagine fast and easy. No coding skills required!
Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/visual-composer-page-builder-for-wordpress/242431
WPBruiserPro { no-Captcha anti-Spam }
wpDataTables + Addons
wpDataTables is a mighty data manager in a form of a WordPress plugin. It helps you to create dynamic responsive tables, charts in your WordPress site edit and allow your front-end users to edit data in them. See the video features overview or the text features overview if you’re interested.
Demo: http://codecanyon.net/item/wpdatatables-tables-and-charts-manager-for-wordpress/3958969
wpDataTables – Tables and Charts Manager for WordPress
wpDataTables is a mighty data manager in a form of a WordPress plugin. It helps you to create dynamic responsive tables, charts in your WordPress site edit and allow your front-end users to edit data in them. See the video features overview or the text features overview if you’re interested.
Demo: http://codecanyon.net/item/wpdatatables-tables-and-charts-manager-for-wordpress/3958969