WooCommerce Attach Me!
WooCommerce Attribute Images
Attributes in your WooCommerce shop can be boring! Our WooCommerce Attribute Images plugin helps you to drive attention to your attributes. It also removes the boring select fields for variable products and transform them into beautiful image swatches.
Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/woocommerce-attribute-images/22177795
WooCommerce Availability Notifications
WooCommerce Availability Notifications enables your WooCommerce-powered website to have customize stock availability notification for in stock, low stock, out of stock, and back order. This will help your customers with an intuitive information for each product's stock availability.
Demo: http://codecanyon.net/item/woocommerce-availability-notifications/8422290
WooCommerce Availability Scheduler
WooCommerce Boost Sales
WooCommerce Boost Sales stimulates the purchase of customers by up-selling, cross-selling. Increase revenue as well as profitability for your website, stores. WooCommerce Boost Sales allows you to add up-sell, cross-sell products in an independent system of WooCommerce.
Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/woocommerce-boost-sales/19668456
WooCommerce Boost Sales – Upsells & Cross Sells Popups & Discount
WooCommerce Boost Sales stimulates the purchase of customers by up-selling, cross-selling. Increase revenue as well as profitability for your website, stores. WooCommerce Boost Sales allows you to add WooCommerce upsell, cross-sell products in an independent system of WooCommerce.
Woocommerce Bulk Edit Variable Products & Prices
With this plugin you can bulk edit simple or variable woocommerce products fields/info such as SKU, Stock, Regular Price, Sale Price, Weight, Height.
PLEASE NOTE: This plugin is NOT made to bulk edit, add or change custom attributes, variations or product information. It is made to bulk edit product fields on already existing (see above) simple or variable products.
WooCommerce Checkout Fields & Fees
The WooCommerce Checkout Fields & Fees will allow you to easily apply fees (or discount in case the fee value is negative) and to display additional fields in the checkout Billing and Shipping forms! Both fees and additional fields can be applied/displayed accoriding logic rules…and all done using a nice visual editor!
Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/woocommerce-conditional-checkout-fields/20668577
WooCommerce Checkout Fields Manager, Custom Checkout Fields Plugin
WooCommerce checkout fields manager plugin allows you to add 15 types of fields on the checkout page to get extra information from customers during the checkout. Supported fields are text field, text area, select box, multi-select box, checkbox, radio button, date picker, time picker, password, file upload, image upload , heading field, message field, country list, color palettes, number fields, and phone number . You can add these fields in any checkout step such as billing, shipment, and additional section and show these fields are invoices email, order detail page and my account page.
Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/woocommerce-checkout-manager-add-custom-fields-to-checkout-order/22514305
WooCommerce Colors and Swatches for Variations
WooCommerce Color and Swatches for Variations will help you with selecting variations which will beautify and manage your estore. There you can apply product images with your woocommerce products intact which will give a the perfect picture of your swatch image.
Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/woocommerce-colors-and-swatches-for-variations/21088754
WooCommerce Compare Products
Looking for a fresh new way to compare products inside your WooCommerce shop? Then stop searching and get our Better Compare plugin now. Create comparison tables with ease, choose the data you want your users can compare with and help your customers to find the differences between products.
Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/woocommerce-better-compare/21158249