Showing 1465–1476 of 1675 results

WooCommerce marketplace mobile app

Original price was: $96.00.Current price is: $80.00.
With This App You Can Make  a multivendor food ordering Android App like zomato,swiggy, with WordPress WooCommerce and Ionic Framework. You can make this App without any technical or coding knowledge. Best part of this website is its completely built With  Woocommerce and its gps a customer can places an order from there Location to nearest restaurants and also search based on location. A fixed commission will be get to the site owners and Remaining amount will be added to the restaurant owners  
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WooCommerce Multi Currency – Currency Switcher

Original price was: $64.00.Current price is: $22.40.
WooCommerce Multi Currency allows display prices and accepts payments in multiple currencies. Demo:
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WooCommerce Multiple Currencies

Original price was: $64.00.Current price is: $22.40.
Your store will display items price according to the selected currency! The WooCommerce Multiple Currencies is very straightforward: install, select the currencies and the update rates frequency! Demo:
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WooCommerce Multiple Customer Addresses

Original price was: $64.00.Current price is: $22.40.
The WooCommerce Multiple Customer Addresses (WCMCA) will allow your registered customers to associate multiple addresses to their profile and optionally different products address on Checkout page! Demo:
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WooCommerce MultiStep Checkout Wizard

Original price was: $64.00.Current price is: $22.40.
Checkout page is the most important part of any ecommerce website. If the customers finds the checkout process too complicated, chances are they will leave without buying and might not come back. Woocommerce Multistep Checkout wizard enhance users shopping experience by splitting different sections of default Woocommerce Checkout page into beautiful jQuery steps. It will create checkout wizard so user will have convenient shopping experience. Demo:
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WooCommerce Notification – Boost Your Sales

Original price was: $64.00.Current price is: $22.40.
WooCommerce Notification displays recent orders on your storefront. It’s the online equivalent of a busy store, and shows prospective customers that other people are buying your products. Demo:
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WooCommerce Order Approval

Original price was: $64.00.Current price is: $22.40.
WooCommerce Order Approval plugin seamlessly integrates into your WooCommerce system allowing you to approve or reject orders placed by customers! Demo:
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WooCommerce Order Builder

Original price was: $64.00.Current price is: $22.40.
Create unlimited combo products with different options and enable your customers to build their order easily in one page and see the price instantly. Available with different styling options and extended price calculator. Demo:
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WooCommerce Order Details

Original price was: $64.00.Current price is: $22.40.
The WooCommerce Order Details enhances the My Account -> Orders page giving a nice and clean style allowing your customers to visualize all the order details just in one page! Demo:
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WooCommerce Order Status & Actions Manager

Original price was: $64.00.Current price is: $22.40.
Having custom statuses that can be shown in different styles, coloures, icons and variations allows you to manage your orders more effectively. giving you the flexifility to manage the workflow from the second the order is through to when the order has been completed. Demo:
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WooCommerce Order Status & Actions Manager

Original price was: $64.00.Current price is: $22.40.
Having custom statuses that can be shown in different styles, coloures, icons and variations allows you to manage your orders more effectively. giving you the flexifility to manage the workflow from the second the order is through to when the order has been completed. Demo:
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WooCommerce Page Builder

Original price was: $64.00.Current price is: $22.40.
Is the ideal Visual Composer add-on to effortlessly layout for WooCommerce and more. This plugin provides a full set of easy-to-use WooCommerce shortcodes. Demo:
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