Davenport – Versatile Blog and Magazine WordPress Theme
De Jure – Attorney and Lawyer WP Theme
De Jure attorney theme is a clean and responsive WordPress theme for law firm, legal office, attorneys, consulting business, justice, law office, paralegal, attorney office and many others consulting businesses that offer advocate services in multiple fields.
Demo: https://themeforest.net/item/de-jure-attorney-and-lawyer-wp-theme/22453074
DeBlocker – Anti AdBlock for WordPress
DeBlocker is a powerful tool and money-saving plugin for websites created by WordPress. The goal of this Plugin is to ask a website visitor to disable browser extensions that block ads. The Plugin defines most browser extensions for ads blocking, such as AdBlock & Adblock Plus, uBlock & uBlocker, AdGuard AdBlocker, Poper Blocker, Ads Killer, Adaware Ad Block, Easy Ad Blocker, and many others.
Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/deblocker-anti-adblock-for-wordpress/24086686
Debutant – Landing Page WP theme
Debutant – Single Product WordPress Theme for all type of websites! It has more than 40+ Complete Elementor demos that can simply import and edit on Elementor. Have your site the way you like it, even more customizable with Elementor page builder than any customizable WordPress theme available on the market, there are 38+ elements available for Elementor and there is options for everything, you have full control on any pixels of your website. Debutant has over 46+ Elementor templates.
Demo: https://themeforest.net/item/debutant-multipurpose-wordpress-theme-for-startup-and-agency/23682686
Deep – Creative Multi-Purpose WordPress Theme
Deep is a premium, fully responsive, Retina-Ready WordPress theme with a minimal, clean design that allows visitors to focus on content. An ideal WordPress theme for novice users and designers is the one that provides all website elements (header, page and footer) in front-end editor by visual mode and also brings ability to edit the settings in real time.
Demo: https://themeforest.net/item/deep-creative-multipurpose-wordpress-theme/20684923
DeepSound Android – Mobile Sound & Music Sharing Platform Mobile Android Application
DeepSound Android is a social Sharing music & sound application for DeepSound Ultimate PHP Music Sharing Platform, with DeepSound Customers can Share sound & music and Interact with users feeds and like and comment and more, Now using the application is easier, and more fun !
Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/deepsound-android-mobile-sound-music-sharing-platform-mobile-android-application/23697663
Delivery Boy For Multi-Restaurants Flutter App
Mobile app solution using a flutter framework created by Google is open-source mobile application development. It is used to develop applications for Android and iOS, as well as being the primary method of creating applications
Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/delivery-boy-for-multirestaurants-flutter-app/25308137
Delivery setup plugin for wcfm
Delizus – Restaurant Cafe WordPress Theme
Delizus is a clean and modern WordPress theme for Cafe & Restaurant and any food related business web site. Built with the latest WordPress technology. Delizus support responsive layout so it looks great on all devices. It has predefined styling for Modern Cuisine Restaurant, Asian Food Restaurant and Elegant Food Restaurant which can be imported with one click.
Demo: https://themeforest.net/item/delizus-restaurant-cafe-wordpress-theme/19648021
Denso – Advanced Electronics Store Woocommerce
Denso is a modern and fresh design template for eCommerce (Online Shopping), marketplace, multiple vendors. Beside a large number of features, this theme is a perfect template for leaving a positive impression to your customers.
Demo: https://themeforest.net/item/denso-advanced-electronics-store-woocommerce-wordpress-theme/19612959
Denta – Dental Clinic WP Theme
Denta WordPress Theme is a dedicated dental services theme with design and functionality that work together to help you create a great website for dental and other medical practice easily and fast. This dental theme easily becomes a website for dentist services and provides great tools to showcase dental services and clinic specialists.
Demo: https://themeforest.net/item/denta-dental-clinic-wp-theme/21184149