Epic Review – WordPress Plugin & Add Ons for Elementor & WPBakery Page Builder
Epic Split Post – Post Content Splitter as Slider
Epic Zoom Gallery – WordPress Plugin & Add Ons for Elementor & WPBakery Page Builder
Essential Addons for Elementor
Essential Grid WordPress Plugin
Essential Grid is a premium plugin for WordPress that allows you to display various content formats in a highly customizable grid. Possible applications range from portfolios, blogs, galleries, WooCommerce shops, price tables, services, product sliders, testimonials and anything else you can imagine.
Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/essential-grid-wordpress-plugin/7563340
Event EM4U – Multiple Event Booking Conference Ticket, QR Code Calendar WordPress Theme
Event Booking EM4U is a responsive modern WordPress Theme for Event Ticket, Event Theme, Conference, Event Agency, Meetup, webinars, business, marketing, Ads, music event, sport event. You can manage Multiple Events without lots of effort and create Event landing pages or Event one pages which is siutable for your purpose. Our event platform assists customers on booking events directly on the website with a lot of popular paymant gateways such as: Paypal, Stripe.
Demo: https://themeforest.net/item/em4u-event-management-multipurpose-wordpress-theme/20846579
Eventer – WordPress Event Manager Plugin
EventOn + Addons
EventOn – WordPress Event Calendar Plugin
Events Calendar Registration & Booking
vents Plus allows you to easily create and manage your events online through WordPress admin interface. Allow visitors to register and pay online for events, manage attendees, discount coupons, export attendees list, and much more. Stop paying for extra add-ons. With Events Plus you get all the features and unlimited updates for just one price!
Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/events-calendar-registration-booking/7647762